Amanda Alvarez (RIKEN) and I will be doing a panel "Be There: Events that Bring Words to Life" at Japan Writers Conference on Sunday, October 13.
The Tokyo scene now has a mix of storytelling, poetry, outreach and scholarly events that present great opportunities for writers reach new audiences, learn from experts and find inspiration. Organizers of science & humanities cafes and poetry events discuss the power of live shows for sharing and sustaining your writing.
In this session, organizers of Nerd Nite Tokyo, Tokyo Humanities Cafe and Tokyo Poetry Journal discuss their experiences, featuring authors, journalists, bloggers, scholars and poets. The growing community of ‘smart’ events are a source for story ideas, inspiration and co-creation with keen audiences, enthusiasts and experts.
The attendees are encouraged to share their ideas for effective and entertaining live formats that can best showcase the talent and knowledge base of the writers of Japan.