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Pacific Intermediality, 1768-2022

Alex Watson

I am very excited to announce that my new research project "Pacific Intermediality, 1768-2022" is funded by JSPS's Kakenhi grant (JPY 4.5 million for the next three years)! I am thankful that JSPS continuously and generously assists my researches.

This research project will highlight the intermedial nature of European representations of the Pacific. Intermedia studies is a new discipline that investigates the links between media: media combinations (from opera to computer illustrations), medial transposition (adaptions of books, films or plays) and intermedial references (references to a piece of music in a book). My project utilizes perspectives from this innovative field to shed new light on Western Pacific representations from Captain James Cook’s three voyages in the Pacific (1768-1779) to the present. My research will result in (1) a monograph entitled “The Intermedial Pacific: Text, Image and Empire, 1768-1837”, which will explore intermediality in Romantic-period representations; (2) an international symposium on the broader topic of “Pacific Intermediality”; leading to (3) an edited volume on the same theme for which I will write an “Introduction” and a chapter on Bronisław Malinoski’s intermediality; (4) a special session on “The Romantic Pacific” featuring international scholars at the Japan Association of English Romanticism Conference 2023; (5) a humanities outreach event on “The Pacific”.

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