Join us for our free summer event on Thursday, 24th August (19:30 - 21:15).
Our new venue is Ryozan Park Lounge, 2 minutes' walk from Sugamo Station on the Yamanote line, and 5 minutes from Komagome Station (Namboku Line).
The bar has a great atmosphere and food and drinks are available while you listen.
Our four speakers will discuss their work in a lively and accessible way in English:
• Catherine Harrington (Tokyo University of the Arts) "Dream Machines: Dreams, Art, and Thinking the Impossible"
• Graham Law (Waseda University) "What is Book History?"
• Alex MacFarlane (Tokyo Metropolitan University) "Reading Medieval Stories Between Europe and Asia"
• Hanabi Ryusuitei "Rakugo Performance"
The event is compèred by Alex Watson (Meiji University) and co-organised with Laurence WIlliams (Sophia University). Full details (including access map) are on our website:
Please come and bring your friends!
* Our cafes are free to attend - please just buy at least one drink (or food) to thank the bar for their hospitality in hosting us.
