Mark your calendars for our 6th humanities cafe - a great line-up of speakers, with talks on Kazuo Ishiguro, Aokigahara forest, poetry writing, and the architectural "ugliness of Tokyo". And, as ever, completely FREE!
If you've been to previous Tokyo Humanities Cafes, you know the format - four speakers, 15-minute talks, in an informal bar setting. Our venue is the Good Heavens British Bar Tokyo in Shimokitazawa: admission is free (please buy at least one drink).
The line-up of speakers is -
Lindsay Nelson (Meiji University) - "The Haunted Forest: Representing Aokigahara in Contemporary Media"
Motonori Sato (Keio University) - "Kazuo Ishiguro and Cinema"
Eric Selland (Poet and translator) - "From the Journal to the Book: Poetry as Translation"
Martin van der Linden (van der Architects) - "The Unbearable Ugliness of Tokyo"
Talks are all pitched at a general audience, and everyone is welcome (including those who haven't been to one of our cafes yet).
